Science Experiment of the Month- January 2025
This month we are focusing on astronomy and a classic experiment is one about meteors and the craters they create. Drop marbles, rocks, and other small objects into the land created and see how the craters are different! This version of the experiment was created using reusable material (instead of flour and cocoa powder) meaning you can do this experiment over and over. Authors note at the end.
Foster Curiosity
The first step in any science experiment is the hook. What about this topic makes you say something along the lines of "What??" "Why would this do that?" "I wonder what would happen if I do this..."
Check out this kid's article about what craters are and what the different types are.
Watch some of these videos about what meteors are and how they create craters.
Why we like it:
Scishow kids is one of the best channels out there for explaining science concepts to kids. This is short and to the point explaining the difference between a meteor and a meteorite.